How to store your coffee?

Coffee is a fragile product, which deserves to be taken care of. So, to preserve all its aromas, how to preserve it? In grains or ground, here is how to shelter it as it should, just to take full advantage of its flavor and its inimitable fragrances.

Coffee, all in delicacy

Like a good wine, coffee is sensitive to many factors, which can significantly alter its quality and taste. Especially because it quickly absorbs odors present in its environment if it is not stored properly, coffee deserves special attention. To preserve its delicate, fragile and highly volatile aromas, its conservation must be carefully cared for. Note that roasted coffee does not have an expiry date but a minimum shelf life (“best before”) of 24 months. This means that after this date it may have lost its taste and aroma, although it remains consumable.

Ground coffee

More fragile than coffee beans, ground coffee is particularly sensitive to its environment. To protect it once the package is opened, we recommend placing it away from air and light, which tend to oxidize it. The ideal? Opt for an airtight and opaque container (which does not allow light to pass through) and store it in a room that is protected from humidity and strong temperature fluctuations. Avoid keeping coffee in the refrigerator, which offers too extreme temperatures and too high a humidity level for this fragile product. However, the fridge can help if it’s very hot or you want to keep your coffee longer. To take full advantage of its aromas, note that a good quality ground coffee can be kept for about two weeks after opening at room temperature and dry.


Coffee beans

Coffee beans keep better overall and a little longer than ground coffee. The fact that it is ground at the very moment of coffee preparation allows it to preserve its aromas in a sustainable way. To do this, keep your coffee beans away from light (an opaque container is ideal, as light helps accelerate coffee degradation) and moisture. Also avoid storing it in the refrigerator or in a cold room, as the cold tends to alter its flavors. Finally, remember to choose a perfectly airtight box, to keep it away from the air. An unsealed packet of coffee beans sells out completely in 7 days, losing all its aromas. In a tightly closed box, on the other hand, you can store coffee beans for up to a month without noticeable taste deterioration and up to two months in a vacuum storage box.


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